Custom Data Import - Fyr Custom Data Import - Fyr
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Custom Data Import

Overview #

Fyr’s Custom Data Import feature allows you to upload and integrate your marketing data from Google Sheets into Fyr. This feature provides flexibility beyond our direct integrations (Meta, LinkedIn, Google Ads, etc.), enabling you to import any data you choose and map it to Fyr’s available metrics.

How it works #

Instead of relying solely on direct integrations, you can now manually add your data to Google Sheets and connect it to Fyr. Once connected, you can map specific metrics from your sheet and import them into Fyr’s system.

Steps to import custom data #

Step 1. Prepare your Google Sheet #

Before connecting to Fyr, ensure your Google Sheet is structured properly and your data is formatted accordingly. Follow these tips to decrease the likelihood of errors.

– Avoid having an empty first row.

– Avoid empty spaces in your dataset (e.g., data in row 1, 2, and 4, – but an empty row 3).

– Make sure to format your columns according to the data within.
As an example:
If you try to import numbers with spaces – e.g. “3 333” – it will be interpreted as a string,
not a number. It should be imported as “3333”, not “3 333”.

Fyr Custom Data Import from Sheets - Example sheet

Please note: if you simply upload an Excel-file to Google Drive, you need to save that file as a Google Sheet before importing. Otherwise, we will not be able to recognise the file, and you will not see it in the list of files available in Fyr.
Save file as Google Sheet

Step 2: Connect Google Sheets to Fyr #

1. Go to your Organization Settings Channels in Fyr (or simply click “+Add new account” from the top right dropdown).

2. Click “+Add account” and select “Google Sheets” from the list.

3. Select the Google Sheet you want to import data from in the list.

4. Click “Add spreadsheet”.

Fyr Custom Data Import from Sheets - Adding a spreadsheet

For beta test only!
The first time you connect, you will be taken to Google to approve access to Fyr. For the beta test you will be met with “Google hasn’t verified this app”” – click “Continue”. You will then be met with “Fyr-dev wants access to your Google Account”. Once again, click “Continue”.

Step 3: Start file set-up #

1. Click “Start file set-up now”.

Fyr Custom Data Import from Sheets - Start file setup

2. Select the specific sheet (tab) you want to import data from.

3. Select the “Frequency” of your import.
If this is a one-time import, select that option.
If you would like Fyr to check for updates to the sheet once a day,
select that option.

4. Click “Next”

Fyr Custom Data Import from Sheets - select tab

Step 4: Map your data #

1. Select which page/dashboard your data should be mapped to – e.g. “Ad Performance”.

2. Select which level your data belongs to. If you have “Ad” specific data, map it to the “Ad” level. If you have “Ad Group” specific data, map it to the “Ad Group” level.

3. Use the toggle if you have a header row in your data set that should not be imported as data.

4. Start mapping your data by selecting a metric from the dropdown list.

If you want to import “Conversion” specific metric(s), please make sure to select either “Ad Conversion” or “Ad Group Conversion”.

Please note that ‘Date’ and either ‘Ad ID’ or ‘Ad Group ID’ are required fields.
The ID does not have to be a numeric value (it can be a campaign or ad group name).

5. Use the “X”-icon to leave rows out of the import – or simply choose “None” from the dropdown list.

6. Click “Import” to import your mapped data.

Fyr Custom Data Import from Sheets - map data and import

Please note: If you can’t find the metric you want in the dropdown list, it’s either because we do not support it yet, or because you have chosen an incorrect “level”.

If you want to import both conversion specific data (for example “conversions” or “value”), and ad specific data (for example “impressions” or “cost”), you will have to create two different sheets (tabs) and import them one at a time. Make sure to keep the same IDs to keep the relationship between the data. 
The reason for this setup is that Conversions is a dimension on it’s own – they are basically tied to a conversion. 

We do not support importing “Calculated Metrics” (e.g. CTR). This will be calculated and available in Fyr based on the actual imported data.

Step 5: Congratulations – your data is now be imported to Fyr.

Head over to the selected page/dashboard to see your imported data alongside data from other channels.

Fyr Custom Data Import from Sheets - Data in Ad Performance

Best Practices #

  • Keep a consistent format across all data uploads to avoid mismatches.

  • Check permissions—ensure you have access rights to the Google Sheet before connecting.

  • Schedule updates in your Google Sheet and choose “Daily” import to ensure fresh data for accurate reporting. Note that data will be overwritten with each import, so if your data changes in your Google Sheet, it will be reflected in the next import.

Troubleshooting #

Data Not Appearing? #

  • Ensure you have selected the correct Google Sheet and worksheet.

  • Check for inconsistent data formats.

Mapping Issues? #

  • Verify that each metric in Fyr corresponds to the correct Google Sheet column.

Not finding the field you want to map? #

  • Make sure you have selected the correct level.
    Ad and Ad Group specific metrics – like for example Impressions, Clicks, Cost etc – is only available on those levels. 
    Conversion specific metrics – like for example Value, Conversions – is only available on either the Ad Conversion level or Ad Group Conversion level. 
    Please note that if you want to add both, you can do so by first importing the Ad/Ad Group specific metrics, and in a separate sheet (tab), import the Ad Conversion/Ad Group Conversion specific metrics.
    By keeping the same date and ID, the data will maintain consistent relationships. 
  • For now, we only allow mapping towards dimensions and metrics that are available in Fyr. 

How can we help?

Contact us if you need further assistance